BIDS IT Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
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Baseline Satisfaction Survey of College Education Development Project (CEDP)

College Education Development Project (CEDP) aims to improve the teaching and learning environment of National University (NU) affiliated tertiary colleges in Bangladesh. CEDP comprises of three components: (1) strengthening strategic planning and management capacity; (2) improving teaching and learning environment of participating colleges; and (3) project management, communication and monitoring and evaluation. One of the key project indicators in CEDP is the satisfaction level of students, faculty members and employers in terms of quality and relevance of education.

In this context, a Baseline Satisfaction Survey (BSS) is carried out by the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) to assess the satisfaction level of the students, teachers, and principals about the teaching-learning environment of the colleges’ and their satisfaction levels. Also, the survey elicits the satisfaction levels of the potential employers about NU graduates’ skills and employability. The findings of this survey will be treated as the benchmark of satisfaction levels of all these relevant stakeholders to support the assessment of the impact of CEDP’s Institutional Development Grant (IDG) granted to a group of NU affiliated colleges in the country.


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