BIDS IT Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies
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Assess the Monitoring, Evaluation Procedure of BCCT and the Impact Assessment of CCTF Projects

The Government of Bangladesh has initiated a number of nationally and internationally acclaimed programmes to address climate vulnerabilities, one of which is the creation of Bangladesh Climate Change Trust (BCCT) to provide administrative and organizational support for overall management of the Climate Change Trust Fund (CCTF). While industrialized countries, which are mainly responsible for climatic changes, have not yet provided funds to Bangladesh, the BCCT so far remains the most important source of funding to address negative effects of climate change in Bangladesh. BCCT has been created to finance projects for implementation within the thematic areas and programmes identified in Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP). The BCCT was actually created to implement 44 programs specified under the six thematic areas of BCCSAP. Initially, the Trust Fund was being operated through a project under the Ministry of Environment and Forests. Subsequently, Climate Change Trust Act, 2010 was enacted; and as per the direction of Climate Change Trust Act, 2010, Bangladesh Climate Change Trust (BCCT) was established on 24 January 2013 with effect from 13 October 2010. It is to be noted that BCCT is created from own source of fund by the government and has been separated out from Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund (BCCRF) which is supported by the development partners.


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